I'd love to drizzle warm oil all over your ass, working my way up your torso to your nice soft titties. Then slowly begin sliding my completely oiled, rock solid cock gently along the very sensitive surface of that beautiful, phat pussy. Making sure to slide only an inch or two inside every few moments, teasing, yet hopefully pleasing till the point you firmly with both hands around my waist and ass, pull me closer towards you. Doing so has undoubtedly caused my cock to slide much much deeper inside. The sensation we both immediately become aware of is incredible! Sp much so that it invokes us to lock eyes for a moment. A lock so intense that it subconsciously directs, and begins guiding movement of both our hot, slick, shimmering, naked, awakened bodies in that ever so sensuous sequential rhythm! Nothing but the sound of two vigorous bodies clashing into one another, and the faint panting from heavy breath can be heard. With each decibel increasing gasp, comes that of equally increased thrust of my pelvic positioning! Our bodies pressing closer and closer together, your legs tensing and wrapping even tighter around me, your hair expelling the sweet fragrance of shampoo, and hot body sweat, almost sending me into overdrive. . I want to bury my face between those luscious cheeks and tongue that booty hole. Love to tongue & fuck both those gorgeous holes, filling your ass with cum mmm. Stunning. I would love to taste that pretty pussy and ass ;) .And more. Wow both holes need me to pound them thats if you like it up the ass.
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